Sunday, October 24, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

The best part of doing the digital scavenger hunt was thinking of creative ways to find the ABC's. We had to think of items that elementary age students would easily recognize within the University of Tennessee's campus. I think that this would be a really fun activity for students to do. It allows creative thinking and a way for students to interact with one another.

I think that one of the challenges that would arise with this activity would be the supply of cameras. Some schools may not have the supplies that are necessary. Also, when using cameras you have to be careful not to drop them. I think that with younger students it would be smart to have adults accompany the students and take the pictures that the students choose.

All-in-all this activity was very fun and I would love to use it in my classroom. It was like a field trip without leaving the school, and what kid doesn't love a field trip?

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