Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First time Wiki user!

Using the wiki for the first time was a little intimidating. Knowing that I was putting information on there that everyone could access and edit was a lot of pressure. As I began my wiki and learned how to format the picture and paragraphs, I feel like I have created a meaningful page that tells a lot about myself. The number one thing that went well with my wiki was the fact that I actually created a wiki! I had no clue what a wiki was until 2 weeks ago. It feels nice to know that I have learned something, although I'm not fully knowledgable yet, and that I am able to put it to use.

At first, my huge picture took up the entire page! Luckily my page is not all about my picture now. I also didn't know how to add links to my page, but now I have several. I still have some questions about wikis and what all can be accomplished by using them, but I also know that by the end of the course I'll be a wiki whiz!

This seems like a useful tool to use with my future students because I can get feedback from them and communicate efficiently. It gives students an opportunity to express themselves and show me their personal side. I hope to teach second grade, so I'm not sure how much they would be able to use them, but I do feel like students can benefit from wiki use. Wikis will also be useful for other professionals to communicate with each other. It is a good way for teachers to share lesson plans, informative articles, and inspiring books. I'm excited to see what technology is out there to use and better serve the classroom.
Wish me luck!

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